Well, I underestimated the appeal of Ed Mouse, the Educational Mouse. Let's face it, I just can't be that entertaining!
Here's what I like about Time4Learning:
- Children are given individual login ID's, so they can always pick up where they left off. No repeating lessons that are too simple.
- It keeps records of their progress. I can print out reports that include the lessons they've completed, how long they spent on the lesson, and how well they scored on the activities and quizes.
- There are printable worksheets to back up the online lessons. These are handy when a child doesn't get a firm grasp on the concept the first time around.
- Children earn time on the "Playground" where they can play games of their choosing. The system defaults to 15 min increments (15 min. spent on lessons gets you 15 min. on the Playground), but you can set the timers to whatever you like. This TOTALLY keeps my difficult child motivated!
- The curriculum includes Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies all in one program.
- My children have very different learning styles and very different abilities, yet it appeals to both of them.
- It really is entertaining! Even I enjoy going through the lessons with the girls.
So whether you homeschool, or you just want to give your children a boost in school, check out Time4Learning. You won't be sorry. Emily & Claire recommend it!